Monday, August 11, 2008

My Fat Feet

I have gotten this rare virus thing that is not contagious but is extremely painful and annoying. I get these lumps/masses under the skin that hurt and then cause heavy swelling. It also causes really bad joint pain which I have learned subsides a little as I walk and move the joints. Since it is a virus there is not really anything they can do, I just have to wait it out. In the meantime I thought I would post some pictures of my now fat feet and to any of you who see me at church on Sundays, I apologise for the flip flops.

This is my right foot. It was just barely starting to swell at my ankle though it is enough swelling you can no longer see the inside ankle, instead, the inside ankle is a mass of swelling. You can also notice the good sized lump about at my instep which is another lump/mass, not swelling.
This is a picture of both of my feet together so you can see the significant amount of sweeling to my left foot. My ankle on both sides of the foot is now covered up and I officially have the "roll" around the front. The swelling on my left foot is all the way to my toes and feels really tight. You can also see some of the redness on my left leg and a newly starting nodule just above the ankle of my right foot.
This is a picture of the outside of my left foot. You can see the swelling all the way to my toes in this pic and also how bad it is around the heel. These pictures were taken on Saturday and since then I have had many more nodules pop up on my knees, ankles and shins and the swelling is of course continuing to swell. Luckily though, these are the only places I have lumps right now.


CJMsquared+6 said...

How awful... How did you contract the virus, do you know? I am sorry you are in pain... That can't be any fun at all. Did the Dr. say23 how long it might last?

The Silly Nilly Family said...

Oh my goodness. I did not even notice on Sunday. I'm so sorry. How totally bizarre and uncomfortable. I usually don't like to point out the "bright sides" to other's pain but I can't resist in this case. It's not everyday I get to use a word I think is hilarious in and of it's self. Here we go: At least your "cankles" are not permanent. Oh that cracks me up, you have cankles.

The Silly Nilly Family said...

I'm totally sorry you are suffering. I should really make that clear. I hope your cankles go away soon.

Lisa W said...

Hi Shali! I am excited that I found your blog. I am so sorry about your swelling, pain, discomfort, difficulty walking, the whole deal. Believe you me I am sorry! If it would make you feel better I can come and stand next to you with my swollen ankle and you won't feel so alone in your cankle swelling. Ok, that word is too true and too funny!

Carrie said...

That stinks! SO sad! No you need to relax!

Amy Dayton said...

So sorry- that sounds miserable, get well soon!

Kevin and Allison said...

Holy crap Shal. You got "kankles." Hee hee, just kidding. Hope it gets better SOON!

The Hughes' said...

I am so sorry! Are you still having these probems? That sucks! I can't believe Blake is old enough to go to school! How are you doing? It's been too long!