Tuesday, August 12, 2008

First Day of School!

These are pictures of Blake on his first day of school this year. He was just so excited to get on the bus and go to school. What suprised me was that after school he was not at all excited to tell me about his day. Our conversation went like this:
Me: "Hi, how was school?"
Blake: "Good"
Me: "Did you have fun?"
Blake: "Yes"
Me: "What did you guys do today?"
and he walked away to go play. I had to just crack up that he, at age 4, is over the "telling mom about my day" thing. He does share who did things that got them put in time out every day though. Luckily it hasn't been him yet.... Ill hope it stays that way.

Oh yes, and I am late again, school started on August 6th. And although I did take the pictures on the first day of school, it has taken me this long to post them. He is just so cute though!


Carrie said...

How cute! It is so strange that you have a little guy that is old enough to go to school. Doesn't it feel like yesterday that we were in school together? WOW! I still feel like I am 16! Your little guys are so cute!

Alli Waldron said...

I can hardly believe that he is already that big! I feel like I can't blink with Vance or else I will miss something.