Friday, March 13, 2009


Ok, so my mom has been telling me for a while now to create myself a facebook. I havent had a lot of time lately, but still, I could have made time. I couldnt figure out why I needed a facebook. So last night I finally did it. I am on facebook....

I know what you are thinking... I am going to find some long, lost friend and be so grateful I joined.... on the contrary...

Now what? I cant figure out what the point of it is... I dont have time to sit there for hours trying to figure it out or reading every post thing anyone writes to anyone... needless to say... I am definitely going to have a talk with my sister so she can help me set the settings I want on it.... (I would ask my mom since she is the one who talked me into it, but she is not that computer savvy either!).... I guess Im missing the point of this phenomenon, but oh well, and maybe one day I will end up loving it!


The Hughes' said...

I'm sure you will like it! It's just nice to keep in touch since we all have busy lives!

The Gotzingers said...

Ya... I just avoid that website and myspace like the plague. I don't care for it.

Maybe you will like it and be totally addicted?? :o)

Glad you FINALLY updated your blog. Bout time girl!! :o)

CJMsquared+6 said...

It's okay... don't feel bad. I have no clue about it either and only got on because that is how our Stake YW communicates with us so I thought I would give it a try... One of these days I am sure it'll make sense to all of us!! lol... maybe not!

Caldwells said...

Thank you so much for the nice gift and for coming to the shower. You are such a great friend Shali. I am so glad I have been able to get to know you!

The Silly Nilly Family said...

Oh now I know to add you to my friends. For the most part FB is another way to waste time if I'm not careful.

Spiker said...

Yesssss! Someone who agrees with me that facebook is a pointless endeavor! I get a few invites a week from friends but I just don't see the point! We have a family blog and that is enough for me. Glad all is well with you Shali! Darling family!

Chris and Mari Spiker said...

Hey Shali--I found your blog through my sister's blog. I am glad to see that your family is doing well. I can't believe you have two little boys.

Oh, and facebook is a total waste of time--yet most people have them (myself included, though I basically only talk to 3 people on it: my wife, and 2 friends from college).