Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Political Stress Syndrome!

I tend to let politics stress me out sometimes (as most of you who know me, know). This election and some of the props on the ballot have struck me hard, seeing how our country once founded on God, has now become one of no morals. As I see our country continuing to fall victim to liberal ideas it saddens me, knowing this is the world my children will grow up in. I pray that what I teach my children will outweigh the pressures of this world and that they can be another generation fighting for what is right. Having said this, I plan to continue to support my country and our leaders while not supporting the immoral ideas that may come. I am proud to be an American and to live in the USA!
"As for me and my house we will serve the Lord" How grateful I am that I can declare that statement!


The Silly Nilly Family said...

I hear what your saying, I hear what your saying! I hope and pray that the leaders elected can move towards goodness in all the future decisions they make.

The Hughes' said...

Beautifully written! I miss ya! Haven't talked to you in so long! I need to give you a call when I have a chance to breathe!

Spiker said...

I Shali! This election got me down too! Being in Cali while this prop 8 thing was raging was very stressful. And then I thought okay it's over only to find it is not over and we are the target of much hate! Interesting how they are target our church and completely overlook the other Christian faiths, Catholics and Blacks! Blacks voted 70% yes on 8. Oh well this too shall pass! Sorry for the rant!

Spiker said...

That was supposed to be HI not I... hope all is well!

tara said...

Tell me about is Shal. I think Prop 8 took 10 years off my life.