Monday, April 14, 2008

Ryker's BooBoo

I've done so many posts recently with only Blake, I decided to put one in of Ryker after an accident (since owies seem to be my theme lately). This has actually been a little while, but Ryker had been trying to crawl off the curb and hit the asphault going down. Needless to say, he doesn't go into the street without the OK from mom now. Aren't they sweet, smiling even after they've been hurt. I love my kids and their beautiful little personalities.


Kevin and Allison said...

Shal! I am the worst friend ever! I am so bad with calling people. Ask Kev, I never call anyone! I wished we lived closer! Anyhow, I hope the fam is doing well!

The Gotzingers said...

WOW!! That is some boo-boo on his head. Poor lil guy!! Hope he made a quick recovery. :o)