Tuesday, March 4, 2008

My first experience with the famous "Pink Eye"

Alright, so on Saturday Blake got pink eye (which for all of you who are not familiar with conjunctivitis, it can be very unattractive). We got him on antibiotics right away and after 24 hours he was no longer contagious as well and looking much better (no more gunk in the eye). Yesterday we thought we were in the clear, but today Ryker figured he might as well join the pink eye club. Now we are administering antibiotic eye drops constantly throughout the day and night and I run around sanitizing everything and washing everyone's hands. I am especially bummed though, because yesterday I did all of the deep clorox cleaning to rid my house of the bacteria and now of course we have another case of it. Lovely.
Note to Allison: Sorry, Ryker's is not bad enough to see in a picture, and I didn't get Blake's picture early enough. You can always look it up on WebMD to see a picture of if you want. Trust me though, it is not pretty.

1 comment:

The Gotzingers said...

EWWWW!!! I hate pink eye!! So gross. I get it at least 1 time a year. Let me tell ya... NOT FUN!!! Hope your family's lil eyeballs get better soon!! :o)